2014-03-26 2534(次)
一、 地点:UBC温哥华校区
二、 时间:7月19日-8月19日
三、 内容:每门课程为39课时,以下为具体项目列表(医学专业申请者将被列入申请名单,后续通知将由UBC送达);另外开设英文加强班,详细参加附件2内容。
² Architecture
(- Sustainability by Design; The Design of the North American Sustainable City and its Implications for the World; - Perspectives on the Development of the City ofVancouver)
² Arts Package A Communication and Journalism
(- Culture and Communication; - Global Journalism)
² Arts Package B Politics and Sustainability
(- International Politics; - Sustainability)
² Business
(- International Business Management; - International Marketing)
² Dentistry
(- Oral Cancer: Why haven’t the clinical outcomes improved?; - Dental Caries: the most common infectious disease in humans)
² Education Package A Classroom Management
(- Classroom Management; - Assessment and Positive Behaviour Support in School and Community Settings)
² Education Package B Early Childhood Education
(- Foundations of Early Childhood Education; - Supporting Learning in the Early Childhood Classroom)
² Forestry
(- The Ecology, Economics, and Politics of Carbon; - SustainableForestManagement)
² Kinesiology
(- Leisure and Sport in Society; - Pedagogical Approaches in Physical Education)
² Law
(- Introduction to the Common Law – Canadian Public Law; - Introduction to the Common Law – Canadian Private Law)
² Land and Food Systems Package A Food: Science and Safety
(- Introduction to Food Science; - Food Safety and Food Safety Management)
² Land and Food Systems Package B Agribusiness Management
(- Food and AgribusinessEnterpriseManagement; - Food and Agribusiness Marketing Management)
² Medicine
(- Pharmacology of Everyday Life; - Medications for controlling pain in everyday life and in surgery)
四、 住宿:公寓式单人间,四人共用两个洗手间、大厅,有厨房、Wifi
五、 费用:$3850 CDN,含医疗保险、机场接送及城市交通、住宿(31晚)、欢迎和告别仪式、课程材料、社会活动
六、 报名截止:2014年4月17日
七、 注意事项:无UBC正式成绩单,有UBC颁发的结业证书
八、 报名:请申请者填写《UBC项目申请表》(附件1),发送至nkuoiae@gmail.com,注明“加拿大UBC”项目
九、 咨询:UBC方面winty.cheung@apro.ubc.ca
附件 1、2 见压缩包 附件1、2